Advocacy Tool Kit
thread’s advocacy tool kit assists with education and advocacy at local, state, federal levels on behalf of the child care system. Spread the child care message and take action using these resources and tools.

Why Advocate?
The government has responsibility for enforcing and passing laws, committing public resources, defining rights, and more. If you are interested in raising your voice on behalf of an issue or interest advocacy is one way to share the message.
The thread Tool Kit has variety of ways to support your advocacy. Use the tool that works best for you!
Policy Environment
- Federal – The Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) & Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) Overview
- State – thread Policy Recommendations for Alaska
- Early Childhood Alaska Strategic Plan
Policy Process 101
- Where does policy-making happen?
- How are policy decisions made?
- What to know before you get involved
Advocacy Roles and Activities
- What is advocacy and ways to engage
- Advocacy calendar
- Tools to engage and stay connected
- Sample letter to legislator
- Tips for phone calls with legislators
- Scheduling a meeting (tips for successful face-to-face meetings)
- Meeting with a legislator
- Provide testimony on a bill
- Sample letter to the editor
- Post on social media
- Know your legislators