On-Demand Training Resources

Please note that thread does not conduct or manage the following outside professional development resources.

Alaska Department of HealthThe State of Alaska Department of Health and Department of Family & Community Services’ online learning site allows you to complete the following courses for free:

– Learn & Grow 101
– Early Learning Guidelines (ELG)
– Core Knowledge Competencies (AK ECCKC)

Follow these instructions to create your profile and access these courses.
Professional Development Online Training Centerthread partners with Smart Horizons to provide innovative, cost-effective training for early educators through self-paced, online modules.

Click here to view and register for individual courses or training packages.

You may log in here if you already have an account.
Better Kid CareBetter Kid Care’s On Demand Distance Education system provides low-cost, self-paced child care training, approved for professional development credit in Alaska. There is a $5 fee per lesson to receive professional development hours.

Watch a quick introduction video here.
SafeGard Classes OnlineSafeGard Classes Online offers a wide range of high-quality classes for the working professional, from childcare to healthcare.https://sgclassesonline.com/
ChildCare Education Institute (CCEI)ChildCare Education Institute provides high-quality, distance education certificates and child care training programs in an array of child care settings. More than 100 English and Spanish child care training courses are available online to meet licensing, recognition program, and Early Head Start/ Head Start requirements.http://www.cceionline.edu/
Teaching Strategies, Inc.Teaching Strategies, Inc. offers innovative, effective curriculum, assessment, professional development, and family connection resources to programs serving children from birth through third grade.http://www.teachingstrategies.com/
University of AlaskaThe University of Alaska offers many opportunities for professional development, including distance learning, in the field of early childhood education. Campuses are located throughout the state including: Anchorage, Juneau, Fairbanks, Glennallen, Kenai, Kodiak and Valdez.http://www.alaska.edu/
ZERO TO THREEZERO TO THREE is the premier national resource for information and research on infants and toddlers. ZERO TO THREE offers customized education to meet your needs.https://www.zerotothree.org/resources/for-professionals