Chamber Position

The lack of affordable child care not only impacts families – it impacts business. Many business owners and operators have been affected by working parents that have had to leave work or reduce their work hours due to the lack of child care. A study conducted in 2021 by the US Chamber of Commerce Foundation found that Alaska’s economy loses $165 million annually due to child care issues. Even more, over 77% of parents are missing work due to child care issues, and roughly 7% of parents voluntarily left their job due to child care issues.

To strengthen our partnership with the business community, thread joined the Alaska State Chamber of Commerce this year.

As part of this new partnership, thread presented a policy position on child care for the Chamber’s membership to consider. Last week, the Board of Directors at the Alaska State Chamber of Commerce included child care in their 2023 legislative agenda which serves as the foundation for the Chamber’s advocacy efforts. A summary of Chamber positions can be found on their website here

thread is encouraged that the child care position is part of the Chamber’s legislative agenda. The link between working parents, child care, and the economy can only be strengthened with all of us working together. Thank you to all the Chamber members who supported the position on child care.