thread Will Be New Grantee for CCAP in Southeast Alaska

May 17, 2018

The Child Care Program Office (CCPO) recently announced that thread, Alaska’s Child Care Resource and Referral Network, will be the new grantee for the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP)’s Southeast service delivery area. thread will deliver services through thread’s partner organization in the Southeast, the Southeast Alaska Association for the Education of Young Children (AEYC-SEA) located in Juneau. Since 2011, thread and thread partner Thrivalaska have been successfully providing CCAP services in the CCAP Northern service delivery area. thread is excited to expand this service to now include delivery of quality CCAP services to participating families and early childhood education programs in Southeast Alaska.

“We are thrilled to be awarded this new grant by the State of Alaska, Child Care Program Office. The Child Care Assistance Program is a critical resource for many families in our state, giving them greater access to quality child care. Adding CCAP services for Southeast Alaska aligns with thread’s mission and furthers our work to make quality early childhood education affordable and accessible for all Alaskans,” said Stephanie Berglund, CEO at thread.

thread (through partnership with AEYC-SEA and Thrivalaska) will begin administering the CCAP for the Southeast service delivery area effective July 1, 2018. The CCPO will continue providing all CCAP services through June 30, 2018 and assisting with the transition to thread. Contact information for thread will be provided to the public in June prior to the transition. All questions prior to July 1, 2018 regarding this change should be directed to the CCPO at