Reminder: Your Training Must Be SEED-Approved For Reimbursement

Effective January 1, 2024, education, conferences, and training must be Alaska SEED-approved to be eligible for Professional Development Reimbursement (PDR) ...more

November 14, 2023

Start Strong: SEL Foundations and Resiliency in Infants and Toddlers (Ages 0-3)

Conscious Discipline creates a compassionate culture. It facilitates an intentional shift in adult understanding of behavior via the Conscious Discipline ...more

October 10, 2023

October is National Children’s Health Month!

Help thread celebrate National Children’s Health Month this October! The month promotes health in young children and the importance of ...more

October 6, 2023

CCPO Broadcast: Save the Date – Market Price Survey on Oct. 3

Alaska Division of Public Assistance, Child Care Program OfficeThe following broadcast was released September 27, 2023. The Child Care Program ...more

September 27, 2023

thread Has Moved!

We are happy to announce that we are moving our Anchorage and Juneau offices to a new location. As of ...more

September 22, 2023

thread’s Quality Initiatives Are Now Open!

thread is now accepting applications for Quality Initiatives (QIs) being offered this year. There will be a second application period for ...more

September 15, 2023

thread is Excited to Award the IMPROVE and Community INNOVATION Grants

In March 2023, thread in partnership with the State of Alaska Child Care Program Office (CCPO), called for proposals for ...more

August 15, 2023

Health & Wellness Support for Early Childhood Educators is Here!

In partnership with the Municipality of Anchorage (MOA), Anchorage Health Department (AHD), thread is now accepting applications for the Early ...more

August 14, 2023

CCPO Broadcast: Child Care Relief Funding Update, Provider Town Hall Follow-up

Alaska Division of Public Assistance, Child Care Program Office Broadcast 07/28/2023 The Child Care Program Office (CCPO) held their quarterly ...more

July 28, 2023

Sponsorships Now Open For thread’s 5th Summit

We are excited to announce sponsorships for thread’s 5th Summit on the Economic Impact of Early Care & Learning: Quality ...more

July 26, 2023