CCPO Broadcast: Child Care Relief Funding Reporting

December 20, 2022

This broadcast was released by the Child Care Program Office on December 19, 2022.

COVID-19 Child Care Phase 2 Stabilization Grant Program Utilization Survey

Alaska Division of Public Assistance, Child Care Program Office

Thank you all, we had a great response for the Phase 1 Stabilization Grant Program Utilization survey that was sent out in October!

If you were a recipient of COVID-19 Child Care Stabilization Phase 2 grant funding administered by thread, you will soon be receiving a link to complete the COVID-19 Child Care Phase 2 Stabilization Grant Program Utilization Survey. This survey will look very similar to the Phase 1 survey, and responses may be very similar to the survey that you just completed, however should reflect funding usage from Phase 2 stabilization funds only.

Your answers to this 10-minute survey will provide important information for required federal reporting and will help thread better serve child care providers in Alaska, especially in comparison to your Phase 1 response data.

Please note that failure to complete this survey may impact your eligibility for future funding opportunities.

Your individual responses will be used for official reporting purposes only.

If you have any questions or do not receive a link to complete the survey on Tuesday, December 20, please email