Back to School: Ten Tips for Parents!

August 27, 2024

As summer’s warmth gives way to the crisp air of autumn, students and families across Alaska have started returning to school. For parents, this period can be a whirlwind of organizing, planning, and adjusting schedules. To help make the transition as smooth as possible, here are ten tips from thread to prepare your family for a successful school year.

1. Establish a Routine

  • Sleep Schedule: Consistent sleep patterns are crucial for your child’s academic success and well-being. Establishing a bedtime and wake-up routine can help transition from the flexibility of summer.
  • Mealtimes: Reintroduce regular mealtimes to help your child adjust to the structured eating schedule of the school day.

2. Organize School Supplies and Clothing

  • School Supplies: Check with your child’s school for a list of required supplies. Consider organizing supplies in a designated area at home to keep everything easily accessible.
  • Clothing: Ensure your child’s wardrobe is ready for the changing weather. Alaska’s weather can be unpredictable, so layers are key. Include warm layers for cooler mornings and waterproof options for rainy days. Shopping for snow gear soon would have your child well prepared for the first snow day.

3. Communicate with the School

  • Meet the Teacher: Attend any available meet-and-greet events or back-to-school nights. Meeting your child’s teacher and seeing their classroom can help ease the transition.
  • Understand School Policies: Familiarize yourself with school policies, including those related to absences, transportation, and extracurricular activities.

4. Prepare for Transportation

5. Support Your Child’s Emotional Well-Being

  • Encourage Open Conversations: Talk with your child about their feelings regarding the upcoming school year. Listen to their concerns and provide reassurance.
  • Promote Positive Attitudes: Help your child set goals and focus on the positive aspects of returning to school, such as seeing friends and participating in activities they enjoy.

6. Plan for Before/After School Child Care

  • You may need to find before or after-school child care. Find out if there is a school program or community program(s) available at your school. To learn more about your after-school child care options, you can:
    • Use thread’s online search tool for a quick and easy search for child care in your school’s area.
    • Call 1-800-278-3723 to speak to an Early Childhood Specialist and get a child care referral list within minutes.

These services are free and available to all families in Alaska.

7. Get Involved in the School Community

  • Volunteer: Being engaged in the school community can enhance your child’s educational experience. Consider volunteering for school events or joining the PTA. Your involvement not only supports the school but also helps you stay connected with your child’s educational environment.
  • Stay Informed: Keep up with school newsletters, websites, and social media for updates on events and important information.

8. Plan for After-School Activities

  • Organize after-school routines and activities to keep your child engaged and balanced. Explore extracurricular activities and sports programs that interest your child. Getting involved in activities outside of the classroom can foster new skills and friendships.
  • Homework and Study Time: Establish a designated homework and study area at home. Consistent study habits and a quiet space can help your child manage their academic responsibilities effectively.

9. Focus on Healthy Meals

  • A well-balanced diet is essential for your child’s growth, energy levels, and overall health. Here’s how to support healthy eating habits:
    • Breakfast: Start the day right with a nutritious breakfast. Aim for meals that include a mix of protein, whole grains, and fruits or vegetables. Options like oatmeal with berries, yogurt with granola, or scrambled eggs with whole-grain toast provide sustained energy for a busy school day.
    • Lunch: Pack a lunch that includes a variety of food groups. Incorporate lean proteins, whole grains, and plenty of fruits and vegetables. Avoid sugary snacks and opt for healthier alternatives like whole-grain crackers, fresh fruit, and vegetable sticks with hummus.
    • Healthy Snacks: Keep healthy snacks readily available for after-school hunger. Nuts, cheese sticks, yogurt, and cut-up veggies are excellent choices that can help keep your child satisfied until dinner.
  • Involvement in Meal Planning: Involve your child in meal planning and preparation. This can help them make healthier choices and develop a positive relationship with food. Let them pick out fruits and veggies at the grocery store and assist with simple meal prep tasks.

10. Stay Flexible and Positive

  • Flexibility and a positive attitude are key. Be prepared for unexpected changes and challenges. Staying adaptable will help your family navigate any bumps along the way.
  • Celebrate Achievements: Celebrate your child’s successes and milestones throughout the school year. Positive reinforcement and encouragement go a long way in supporting their academic journey.

As the new school year begins, taking these steps can help set the stage for a smooth and successful transition for your family. Here’s to a fantastic school year filled with growth, learning, and new adventures in Alaska!