Advocacy Calendar

Plan your state legislative activities with this advocacy calendar.

Sign up for thread’s Action Alerts.

Take action now and be a voice or Alaska’s young children!


  • State of the state address
  • Beginning of the regular legislative session (state)
What you can do:

Email your representatives to introduce yourself and inform them of the issues that matter to you


  • Legislature in session (state)
What you can do:

Attend one of thread’s online advocacy events to stay updated on the legislative session


  • Legislature in session (state)
What you can do:

Attend Advocacy 101 training with threads Public Policy Manager. Register here. Submit public testimony the House and Senate Finance Committees about the importance of continued investment in child care


Legislature in session (state)

  • Week of young child
  • Thank your early educators
What you can do:

Write a letter to the editor about the importance of child care


  • Statutory ending of the legislative session (120 day limit)
  • Wage worthy day
  • Provider appreciation day
What you can do:

Send thank you note to legislators


What you can do:

Check voter registration information for accuracy (even years)


  • In-district meetings/events with state legislators (odd years)
  • Vote for Kids (even years)


  • In-district meetings/events with federal legislators
  • Primary election


What you can do:

Submit a story about child care to thread


  • thread Summit (odd years)
What you can do:

Sign-up for thread’s action alerts to stay informed


  • General election
What you can do:

Vote (even years)

Post on social media about the importance of child care


What you can do:

Connect with your new legislators (email lists, social media, etc.) (even)

Download thread’s updated legislative agenda