Working Together

Alaska SEED, Learn & Grow and thread work together toward a common goal of healthy, successful children. Download this graphic to see how.
Alaska SEED supports individuals working in the field of early childhood education, because teacher knowledge and skills are directly tied to the quality of early education. Alaska SEED provides educators with a database to plan and track their professional development, as well as funding to help them pay for it.
Learn & Grow supports early childhood education programs, because the quality of a child’s learning environment matters. Learn & Grow identifies quality standards for early childhood education programs and provides support for programs to engage in continuous quality improvement.
thread houses and manages both Learn & Grow and SEED. thread provides direct services to licensed early childhood education programs throughout Alaska, including those participating in Learn & Grow. thread staff provide training, coaching, consultation, and advising for early childhood educators to help them meet their professional development goals. thread staff also perform CDA Verification Visits for educators and environmental assessments for early education programs.