Child Care Program Office Broadcast: Final Workforce Report

May 24, 2024

The following broadcast was released by the Alaska Department of Health Child Care Program Office on March 7, 2024.

In April of 2023, Governor Mike Dunleavy signed Administrative Order No. 346 establishing the creation of the Governor’s Task Force on Child Care. This task force is responsible for delivering an initial and final report in addition to various deliverables. One deliverable designated the task force with identifying evidence-based policy solutions to key child care workforce constraints including recruitment, retention, compensation, and benefits.

The Stellar Group was awarded the contract for the completion of this deliverable through the creation of a workforce report. We are pleased to share the final version of this report titled, “The Early Childhood Education Workforce in Alaska” by the Stellar Group.

The executive summary and final report are attached. You may also find them on the Alaska Governor’s Task Force on Child Care website:

Thank you,
Child Care Program Office
Phone (907) 269-4500
Fax (907) 269-4536