There are several Learn & Grow committees and subcommittees working to develop various components of the Learn & Grow system.
Stakeholders Committee
Membership includes:
- Learn & Grow Director
- thread CEO
- Child Care Program Office (CCPO) Manager
- CCPO Program Coordinator
- Office of Children’s Services representative
- Alaska System for Early Education Development (SEED) Director
- Early Childhood Mental Health representative
- Head Start Collaboration Director
- Region X and XI Head Start Association representatives
- Alaska Department of Education and Early Development (DEED) Pre-elementary Director
- Alaska DEED Section 619 representative
- Infant Learning representative
- State of Alaska/Municipality of Anchorage child care licensing representative
- Alaska Afterschool Network Director
- American Indian and Alaska Native Tribal Child Care representative
- Title I or Migrant Ed (local school district or state) representative
- Alaska Early Childhood Coordinating Council/Early Childhood subcommittee representative
- Up to 5 additional members from the following: foundations, local government, business members, or community members, if not
already identified as one of the representatives from above
Roles & responsibilities:
- Active member of Subcommittees when applicable
- Be an ambassador for quality early childhood and school-age programs
- Help strategize on specific requests associated with implementation of strategic plan and annual operating activities to
provide continuity in the development and implementation of Learn & Grow - Commit to serving on subcommittee for a two year term as long as willing and able with option for renewal
Executive Committee
Roles & responsibilities:
- Oversight of the development, implementation, scale up and sustainability of framework
- Oversight of strategic plan
- Oversight and prioritization of annual operating activities
- Oversight of data and evaluation
- Oversight of the governance structure and process
- Be ambassador of all consensus decisions made in committee
- Attend regularly scheduled meetings and when unavailable notify and provide written or verbal feedback to Learn & Grow
Director in lieu of attendance - Commit to attendance on the committee as long as they are in their current position
- Communicate Learn & Grow strategic plan activities back to organizational leaders to help inform department level policy
decisions and early childhood state systems alignment
Subcommittees and members exist based on strategic plan areas currently in development.
Roles & responsibilities:
- Discuss, develop, and make recommendations as applicable to the subcommittee focus area to the Learn & Grow Executive
Committee - Review other states QRIS work and national research to inform discussion
- Use strategic plan and annual operating activities to guide work
- Commit to participate in the subcommittee work as long as subcommittee is active
Roles & responsibilities:
- If applicable, funder will identify criteria, performance measures/ indicators, reporting etc. to be met in order to
receive funds. - Oversight and monitoring as applicable as funds provided
Regulatory Oversight of the Participating Programs (Federal, State, or Tribal)
Roles and responsibilities:
- Regulatory bodies set the foundation for an eligible early childhood or school age program.
- Regulatory bodies work in collaboration with funders and statewide early childhood professional development and
quality systems to assure a scaffolding of quality that is feasible and achievable for all early childhood
or school-age programs and developmentally appropriate.
Roles and responsibilities:
- House and manage Learn & Grow as fiscal sponsor
- Act as lead implementation arm including providing required training, technical assistance, coaching, assessments and
verifications, financial supports, alignment and infrastructure of SEED - Maintain a Learn & Grow website, resources, and outreach materials
- Work in partnership with regulatory bodies
- Serve as a liaison to funders for Learn & Grow