Strategic Plan
Learn & Grow’s FY22-FY26 Strategic Plan has three goals with multiple focus areas and specific annual activities designed to advance the development and implementation of Learn & Grow.
FY22-FY26 Learn & Grow Strategic Plan: At a Glance
Vision: High Quality
Early childhood and school age programs have the resources and supports to actively engage in a continuous quality improvement process so that all children have access to high quality programs.
Goal 1: Advancement
The quality of Learn & Grow programs will advance through the support and encouragement of highly skilled and trained specialists, and through the use of continuous quality improvement strategies.
- Objective 1: Increase supports and resources to early childhood and school age programs to advance levels of quality.
- Objective 2: Ensure Learn & Grow specialists are confident and competent in their coaching skills.
- Objective 3: Ensure Learn & Grow specialists are confident and competent in use of evidence-informed strategies.
Goal 2 Participation
Through system, agency, and organizational alignment, Learn & Grow will successfully maximize funding, develop partnerships, and increase participation in early childhood and school age programs throughout the state.
- Objective 1: Maximize funding to support all implementation activities.
- Objective 2: Develop policies and procedures and when applicable legislative and department regulations.
- Objective 3: Identify, align, and share data to support monitoring of State early childhood strategic plan objectives and strategies.
- Objective 4: Partner with tribal early childhood programs to align quality standards and funding.
- Objective 5: Develop strategies to improve wages and compensation for EC educators.
- Objective 6: Increase skills and knowledge of educators and administrators to implement strategies to improve protective factors for families and children.
- Objective 7: Develop and use a definition of kindergarten ready.
- Objective 8: Increase early childhood programs use of best practices around transition within program, to different program, and to kindergarten.
- Objective 9: Increase participation of stand alone school age, Pre-elementary, Head Start, and tribal programs in Learn & Grow.
Goal 3 Infrastructure
Learn & Grow implementation organizations will have the capacity and infrastructure to implement and meet FY26 recruitment, advancement, and scale up/ growth targets.
- Objective 1: Develop marketing and outreach plan to inform families, EC/SA programs, communities, policy makers, and organizations.
- Objective 2: Develop and maintain a robust database.
- Objective 3: Ensure a diverse governance structure .
- Objective 4: Develop an evaluation plan to guide development and implementation activities.
- Objective 5: Acquire fiscal resources to support anticipated administrative staff growth.